What is my[o]wn?
It is a 3D printed, myoelectric prosthetic hand that is actuated utilizing a Servo, Arduino Uno, and a Myo Gesture Control Armband.
The name is an iteration of the statement “my own ____”. The blank is meant to represent the empowerment that this device provides the user with. By using a cost-effective, myoelectric hand, the individual is able to fully take charge of “[their] own hand” or “[their] own life”.
What can it do?
my[o]wn can open and close based on the movement of the flexor digitorum profundus, a forearm muscle activated when making a fist. Thus, when the user makes a fist with one hand, the prosthetic hand can open and close. Of course, in future iterations of my[o]wn it would be ideal to allow the user to decide the most convenient muscle or motion that would dictate the function of the prosthetic hand.
Initiation of my[o]wn:
my[o]wn is a the result of a project assigned in the UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering course “Designing for the Human Body” (taught by Professor Grace O’Connell).
Who made it?
The development of my[o]wn was a group collaborative effort among four UC Berkeley students:
Gabriela Cibils- Cognitive Science, class of 2018
Juan Rodriguez- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, class of 2017
Emily Stednitz- Mechanical Engineering, class of 2018
Chelsey Campillo- Neurobiology, class of 2018
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